Digital Animation
Remi Noonan
Beyond the Lighthouse teaser trailer
Beyond the Lighthouse is a 2D animated short film created by Remi Noonan. The film takes
place in a post-apocalyptic world and follows the protagonist, a thirteen-year-old named
Nova, as he explores a supposedly broken and abandoned city in search of food and medicine
for his younger brother, Max, who has fallen ill. As he scavenges through, Nova soon discovers
that this city isn’t as abandoned as he originally hoped, leading up to Nova attempting to
escape the dangers lurking within the city.
From a production standpoint, the main focus of this film is on animation, including a
particular focus on character animation as well as additional background animation.
This teaser trailer represents the short film I have been working on for the past year and is
currently in production. Beyond the Lighthouse is a larger story that I have been working on
for the past 7 years and this short film is just a sneak peek into that world. The purpose of this
short film is to act as a proof of concept for this story for potential pitches I plan to make in
the future for this project.
Hope you enjoy!