Digital Animation
Paul Delmer
The Magician Thief
The Magician Thief tells the tale of a Magician who uses illusions and magic to perform acts of thievery. Now he has his eye on a Greedy King and his most valued possession, a blue-orb treasure surrounded by gold and jewels. This treasure was created from money unfairly taken from the surrounding villagers. The Magician Thief plans to steal this treasure to sell it and give the money back to the people. This animation strives to tell a simple story in an engaging way with the focus being more on the characters and their personalities.
Paul Delmer is a graduate of Digital Animation Production and this was his final project in 4th Year. His main job aspirations are rough animation (Character or FX) and Storyboarding. After working on an array of different short films, this solo project was to show off his capabilities and what he learned over the last few years. Paul also used this short film as an opportunity to try learning new animation skills that he was interested in such as secondary clothing and creating 2.5D scenes.