Digital Animation Production
Paul Anderson
Purrsuasions – Tails of Kyteler
Purrsuasions is a short film by Shola O’Riordan, Saoirse Stephens and Paul Anderson. It is inspired by the tale of Dame Alice Kyteler, a 13th century Kilkenny woman who was the first in Ireland to be accused of witchcraft, before fleeing without a trace. Our film follows a young girl named Clover, who ventures into Kyteler’s Inn one night on a mission to locate Alice’s spellbook at the request of Alice herself – now a black cat, still alive over 600 years later and ready to make her return.
We strived to bring a magical piece of Irish folklore to life in our film and bring the tale of Alice Kyteler back into the spotlight. Saoirse’s artistic strengths are in 2D animation, and she is enamoured with bringing life to stories through drawing. Shola excels at background artwork, as well as storyboarding and animation. Paul’s focus is on post-production, using audio and compositing to bring animations to life.