Animation & Motion Design
Maya Leszczynska
Void is an animated short that follows the story of a little man, Isaac, in his
daily doings and habits. Isaac is a small black cat.
This short captures his movements and expressions using bright visuals for the
core of the animation. Sprinkled through out are a few photo snaps of him in
various scenarios where the visual style momentarily switches to what are the
real colours of the world he is in. During the photo snaps he is seen as a black
mass of fur, void of detail, where the only distinguishable feature visible are his
big green eyes.
This short is about visually communicating how photos of black cats often
result in an image that appears as a black void, lacking most detail of the cat
that would be seen with the eye.
There is an underlying theme of capturing how beautiful life is. With photos,
these moments and memories can be held indefinitely. The final scene is up
for interpretation in terms of the cycle of life and simply a sleeping cat.