Digital Animation
Lee Barrett
My final year project is a 1 minute and 40-second-long 3D animated short film called “Run” made entirely in Blender. The short focuses on a man fleeing the scene of a crime. My aim throughout this project was to become more comfortable with the 3D production pipeline and to improve my skill in all relevant aspects of 3D. For this reason, I chose to model, unwrap, animate, light and render the entire film myself. I chose to complete the project in Blender because I had some experience with the program but also because I wanted to become more comfortable working in it as I would likely be working in it in my free time for a while once I left college. Maya is expensive 🙁 . Also, honestly, I wanted to see if I COULD make a 3D film in which I made everything myself. It was a challenge. And I did it. Which I think is kind of class.