Animation & Motion Design
Leanne Dooley
The I Land
The I Land is an animated short that follows the main character upon her discovery of a deserted island. This thriving oasis is vibrant with a flourishing eco system, set in the middle of a vast ocean. The nameless islander works hard to survive by utilising the Islands resources. However, the more she takes the more vulnerable she and the island become. This animated short acts as a metaphor, attempting to hold up a mirror to humanity’s failure to acknowledge the consequences of our actions and how short-term gain can often lend itself to monumental loss.
A considered colour palette and tactile textures are combined with emotive compositions to convey the beauty and vulnerability of this secluded Island. Careful thought was given to the character development. The woman represents the complicated yet fundamental human failing in only thinking of one’s own needs even if they do not knowingly mean any harm.