Animation & Motion Design
Juliet McGrath
Choufleur is an animated short that follows a professional rugby player and ballet enthusiast during an important match. The character receives pressure and criticism from a hot-headed manager. He is also reminded of past criticism when knocked momentarily unconscious during the contact team sport. After a particularly bad tackle, he is transported back to a time when a younger version of himself failed to meet the standards of those of his ballet peers. With support from his teammates, he realises that he can use his passion as an advantage in his performance as an athlete.
The short film touches on self-acceptance. A fear of failing or societal rejection can often derail given talent and distract one from the task at hand. When self-doubt is taken away, courage shown and with support, our rugby player realises that his inner struggle for self-expression no longer needs to sabotage his performance. It encourages the idea of how beneficial a support network and self-belief can be.
The 2D animated piece displays an emphasis on character-based animation to provide a clear, lively narrative. The colour palette is vibra