Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Cosima Sophia Augustin – Malloy

Key Moments

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Coumba Camara

Design Make Collection

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Mary Corcoran

New growth from decay

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Lucy Kennedy

Floral Threading: My Mother’s Garden

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Nila Lama

Treasured Threads: Jewelled memories

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Leah Marshall

I Saw Light

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Rachel McKinney

Made In Michigan

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Sadbh O’Neill

In Spirals

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Tricia Phelan

Is something a little off?

Fashion Textile for Product and Costume
Marcella Walsh

Different Needle, Same Thread