Creative Multimedia
Cole Campbell

How Might Event Discovery Be Improved for Students in Ireland Using Technology

Creative Multimedia
Stuart Mackey
Creative Multimedia
Patrick Halpin

Marco App

Creative Multimedia
Patrick Gannon

The development and creation of an augmented reality application for android devices.

Creative Multimedia
Laura Pigott

Language & Platform Agnostic Content Management

Creative Multimedia
Eiren McLoughlin

An investigation into improving consumers access to locally produced goods using web technologies

Digital Animation Production
John Armstrong
Digital Animation Production
Glen Sweeney

Me and My Master

Digital Animation Production
Seán Ayres


Digital Animation Production
Ursula Cassells


Digital Animation Production
Sam Woong


Digital Animation Production
Rebecca O Regan

The Boy in The Cuckoo Clock

Digital Animation Production
Paul Carey

Organic Matters

Digital Animation Production
Liam Reilly


Digital Animation Production
Linda Maxwell


Digital Animation Production
Kirsty O’Donnell

Little Victories

Digital Animation Production
Kevin Dwane

The Hole in the Wall

Digital Animation Production
Jamie Kerr
Digital Animation Production
Inese Vecele

Animation Show-reel and Graduation Year Work

Digital Animation Production
Eleanor Laleu

Crab Girl

Digital Animation Production
Ciara Doyle

Go Fish

Digital Animation Production
Muhammed Bilal Waraich

Aulaad – we grow and we forget

Digital Animation Production
Brendan Walsh

JP, Humphrey, and the Golden Cuttlefish

Digital Animation Production
Alice Coleman

The Clockmaker

Master of Education in Art & Design
Lisa Watters

Digital Comic Books: A study examining students’ interpretation of local folktales through the use of storyboarding, printmaking and digital media, for the purpose of developing their visual literacy skills

Master of Education in Art & Design
Aoife Sullivan

Visual storey telling: creating a visual story book based on Irish folklore and wives’ tales that exercises a range of mixed medias and techniques

Master of Education in Art & Design
Marie Scott

Observational Self-Portrait drawing leading onto self-portrait relief clay tiles

Master of Education in Art & Design
Ellen Harrington O’ Shea

The Visual as a Thinking Tool: Developing Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Film.

Master of Education in Art & Design
Lisa O Neill

To what extent can creative art practice encourage critical discussion and engagement of how social media impacts young girls’ perception of the ‘ideal beauty and persona?

Master of Education in Art & Design
Mairéad Norris

Reimagining Our Histories

Master of Education in Art & Design
Ciara Murphy

Visual Storytelling

Master of Education in Art & Design
Arlene McPadden

Public Art; site specific work inspired by visual and literary art forms

Master of Education in Art & Design
Rebecca McDermott

Shared experiences over tea: Enriching Understanding of Local Issues

Master of Education in Art & Design
Joanne Hegarty

Environmental Art – Trash to Treasure

Master of Education in Art & Design
Katie Deegan

Sculpture. Writing proposals- engaging with digital media and public sculpture.

Master of Education in Art & Design
Denise Coll

The extent to which creating a response to an artwork through performance, generates appreciation for performance art, in second level education

Sculpture & Combined Media
Oscar Staehelin
Sculpture & Combined Media
Ciara Smyth

The veil of veracity

Sculpture & Combined Media
Courtney Sharos

Interiora Corporis

Sculpture & Combined Media
Emma Osterloh
