Animation and Motion Design
Freya Porritt Wessman
‘Moncha’ offers a glimpse into the story of rural island dweller Moncha. A simple shepherd who spends his days walking the hilly slopes of his small island. With his flock of sheep-like creatures, he spends his days with the wind, the sea and the infinite horizon by his side. Despite the fingers of isolation always lingering close, he continues to shepherd his thoughts and feelings like the sheep he tends to.
Moncha looks not only at the physical characteristics of remote living but also at the relationship with the self. The patience craved by survival, grief and healing. It acknowledges the art of daily resilience and recognises the isolation that might come with finding peace.
Inspired by both old Irish and Nordic cultures, Moncha is a love letter to both rural culture, self-perseverance and the subtle devotion to both internal and external worlds.
Accompanied by music composed by myself I strive to encompass both the eeriness and beauty of both physical and emotional rural environments. A relationship between the familiar and the unknown.