Digital Animation
Emma O’Keeffe
The House
The House is a short film by Ella Doolan, Emma O’Keeffe, and Kelly O’Halloran. Through our love of storytelling and animation, we have collaborated to create a whimsical and cautionary tale that is full of magic, wonder and mystery. The House is a 2D-animated, narrative-based short film that follows a girl and a cat as they explore an abandoned Victorian house with magical paintings. Our film ends with a tragic reveal that something seemingly beautiful can have a deeper and darker meaning.
Ella Doolan excels at the design for the film, illustrating detailed backgrounds and creating several characters that we encounter in the story. Emma O’Keeffe’s focus on 2D FX and sound design create the illusion of life beyond a 2D image and immerse the viewer. Kelly O’Halloran’s emotive rigged and hand-drawn animation make our protagonist appealing and relatable for the target audience.