Digital Animation Production
Diana Matos
Stand Tall
“Stand Tall” is a 2D ToonBoom Harmony animated short film, following the short’s main character, Olivia.
Olivia comes across a girl called Marie, who is being bullied at the town’s park. Olivia cannot stand to see this occur, and so she jumps in to defend this girl, but sadly fails to do so as the bully then instead turns his evil intentions towards her. After having done his evil doings, the bully then leaves the two girls in sadness. But where’s the happy ending? The story concludes with Marie recovering from her saddened state, fixing the bully’s damage, and thanking Olivia for her efforts by giving her a kiss on the check. A new friendship has been formed between the two girls from both kindness, support and love.
This short was mostly produced by myself, with the utilisation of the Adobe Software Package, ToonBoom Harmony and Storyboard PRO. The music accompanying the short was produced by a UCC music student, Elina Haessler. And guidance and assistance towards the production of this project were kindly provided by the amazing staff at the LIT campus in Clonmel, as referred to in the short’s credits.