Animation & Motion Design
Conal Mc Ivor
This piece is centred on the concept of hoarders. Hoarders are people who collect or hoard miscellaneous things; these objects can be sediment or plane random rubbish. This project is done as an advertisement trailer for a board game called Hoarders. The viewer will escape to this world exploring different planes of hoarding while a narrator describes the world around them, each plane holding its own category of hoarding.
Hoarders will show the viewer a world of hoarded goods, exaggerating the extremes of hoarding and the exaggerated side of common everyday hoarding. The purpose of this piece is to encourage the viewer to reflect upon the items that they themselves hoard while retaining a comedic mood and tone.
Hoarders is created in a digital environment, digitally built in 3D space. It explores this generated world from a first-person perspective. While traversing each plane the viewer is introduced to the characters as they navigate throughout the set.