Digital Animation Production
Claire Davis
SW//PE is an animated short created by Doireann Morrissey and Claire Davis. It is a story of loneliness and love, and how one moves from one to the other in a dystopian future ruled by technology. The film asks the question, what would dating look like in an intergalactic world, more open than ever but with an honest human connection all the harder to find?
We chose this project as we wanted to tell a realistic personal story through an unrealistic and exaggerated world. The woes of dating in a technology driven world is a familiar story to all those in our generation and beyond, and we strove to visualise that issue driven to the extreme. Doireann’s artistic focus is on pre-production, particularly character design, and thus the wealth of characters we could portray with this story appealed to her. Claire is post-production focused and was driven by the opportunity to bring this world and its technology to life with compositing and effects. But most importantly, we hoped to portray a relatable and human story about love in a world that is foreign yet familiar.