Digital Animation Production
Ciaran Hyland
Psych;Geist is a 2D animated short with elements of pixel art. This animated short details the events of the Psych;Geist, a violent deathmatch that is broadcast around the world, involving four participants, ‘chancers’. The focus is on a specific ‘chancer’ entered into Psych;Geist called Sam, and her experience taking part in the deathmatch. Its set with the backdrop of a post-Global Warming America, ravaged by climate change, where social status is the most important factor in someone’s survival.
I’m undertaking this project for several reasons. One, is that I really enjoy dynamic action scenes that comprise most of the project. Another is that the backdrop of the project, that of a post-apocalyptic society, ravaged by climate change is a realistic depiction of the future and that interests me and my feelings about the world and I feel this could be relatable to a lot of people, in particular younger adults and teenagers who feel like can only look at the world and frustratingly not be able to influence it.
What I hope to get out of this is have a quality animated short I could exhibit at festivals and for potential employers, whilst also serving as a pilot for a limited run six-episode animated series.