Animation & Motion Design
Chloe Rowley
Nimbus is an animated short film that follows the journey of a young woman as she explores a solitary island in pursuit of a mysterious flying fish. She is joined by a strange hand creature, that hangs from her neck as she traverses the environment.
The hand is a manifestation of unhealthy coping mechanisms, while it once benefitted the woman it now hinders her as she tries to move forward in life. The fish is a symbol of purpose and freedom, he helps the woman by releasing her from the hand’s grasp and taking her to new heights. Nimbus is about letting go of whatever is holding you back so that you can become a liberated version of yourself.
Colour is used throughout the piece to reflect the woman’s emotional landscape – beginning with exciting bright and bold colours, then darkening to sombre monochromatic blues, before a final burst of a multicoloured dream-like aesthetic as she overcomes her struggles. The movement of the characters is organic and flows with the music paralleling the continuous nature of life.