Photography Film Video
Caoimhinn Ní Dhuinn
Caoimhinn Ní Dhuinn creates videos that are based on the relationship between colour, sound, and their influence on our emotions. Given their sensitivity to sound, their project is focused on mixing audio with chrome as colour is where their fascination lies. This project allows them to mix something they can hardly stand with something of endless fascination. The audio used in their videos are soundwaves that have been converted from light waves, meaning you are literally hearing what each colour sounds like as it appears on screen. This project allows for a visual into an internal issue where there is not much to be done in ways of prevention, only dealt with by learning various coping mechanisms.
The other side of their project features a comical take on the parents warning for their children to not play with their foods. How many ways can you think of to eat foods wrong and who’s really stopping you from playing with your food?