Graphic Design Communication
Amy Moynihan
Clarity, Understanding Menopause
A study of 3275 women aged 40 to 65 was conducted by Nuffield Health, a non-profit healthcare organisation. One of the striking results of the survey was that 45 percent of women stated that they were completely unaware that they were experiencing menopausal symptoms. Menopause has always been a life-altering process that is very lightly discussed. For far too long, women have suffered in silence, and it’s time to break the stigma so that women may take control of their bodies and understand what’s going on instead of fearing the next chapter of their lives.
Clarity is a health-care-funded and-distributed menopausal awareness and testing kit that encourages women to take control of their menopause by educating and testing themselves. Clarity provides easy-to-understand information about menopause, perimenopause, and other topics around menopause to help women. Other women share their menopausal experiences and suggestions on the app, which provides comfort and support.
As soon as the concentration rises to 25 ml or more, the menopause testing kit will identify the presence of follicle stimulating hormone in urine. This may be uploaded to the clarity app, where users can easily view it and ask other users any questions they may have. The software will allow the user to keep track of their periods and symptoms, as well as be encouraged to seek medical help if necessary. The user will also be reminded to take a test every 6 months so that their body can be monitored, as well as having access to support groups where they may receive emotional support from other users. Clarity is a menopause awareness and testing kit that provides women with well-researched information presented in an approachable and engaging manner, as well as support during their menopausal journey.