Digital Animation Production
Aleksandra Bieniek
“Echo” is an animated short created by Aleksandra Bieniek. The story follows one character in a state of overwhelming loneliness and grief. Being based on the five stages of grief, the animation follows the process the character goes through to reach acceptance, that she can move on from whatever happened in the past. She is a prisoner of her own mind, and she can get out only with her own efforts. Her obstacles are the emotions that overwhelm her on the journey. Finally, when she gets there, colour returns to her life while she is embraced by a warm light.
The animation consists of 3D character animation, and 2D animated effects. I decided for a black and white colour scheme to show the bleakness of the emotions and play with the contrast between the extremes. The final shots bloom with colours as the character opens the door to leave that state of mind behind.
Overcoming feelings of loneliness and grief is an incredibly individual matter. This film is a representation of a very literal journey through them.