Digital Animation Production
Aisling O’Connor
“Daffodils” is a 2D animated short film. The story is based on Pebbles, who’s quiet life is turned around when her new neighbour attempts to win her affections.
Pebbles is a gentle, yet lonely creature living in the woods of Ancient Ireland, a time where magic once flourished. Due to her lack of courage she finds it difficult to make friends and is socially awkward. So, when her new neighbour, Kou, moves into a tree house next to her, it seems clear that she can’t easily get past her shy nature, especially with him accidentally crushing her precious flowers.
Kou is reckless and clumsy, and only gains Pebbles’ attention by tripping over a rock. After falling on the ground, and having crushed her flowers, along with breaking something else important to her.
This short animation was created using the Adobe Software Package, Storyboard PRO and Toon Boom Harmony. The music for the short was sourced online from audio and was made by Sam Wedgewood. Those from LIT Clonmel who advised and guided my work on the project are mentioned in the credits.