Animation and Motion Design
Aaron McSweeney
Learning The Hard Way
In the eccentric town of Boneville, our story begins in the Reaper household with a family of somewhat normal people who are, well, just a little bonier than most. Each episode in the series follows the lives of the family and portrays valuable lessons through the experiences of the main character, young “Grimith Reaper”. In the first episode, “Grimith Reaper,” a youthful, ungainly, and obnoxious skeleton has only one desire. He wants to be left alone! He sits for hours on end watching TV, but his father, the real Grim Reaper, refuses to let him be, insisting that he’s too close to the television. He uses old but meaningful fables to teach his son lessons, telling him, “Don’t sit too close to the TV; your eyes will turn square.” As our story plays out, we learn that one should always listen to their parents…..
In the second episode of this enchanting series, we are brought through the windows of the Reaper family’s haunted house. It is time for young Grimith to go to bed. His father warns him before he heads off to sleep, ‘Don’t let the bedbugs bite’, but once again, Grimith thinks he knows best. He completely disregards what his father has to say, but once again, as time passes, we realize that he should have listened! In the third interlude, Grimith is sitting down for his dinner. Before him lies a beautiful roast dinner. Grimith digs into the chicken and potatoes but will not eat any veggies. His father advises him to eat his greens too because they’d make him big and strong, but as usual, Grimith doesn’t listen, and this leads to a very unfortunate outcome! Moral of the story, listen to your parents.