Animation and Motion Design
Hannah Connors
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh
‘Slots’ is a 2D animated short following a character whose quiet day is very suddenly interrupted by a slot machine falling from the sky and landing in their back garden. Deciding to use this mysterious slot machine leads them to experience randomised stories told through the machine. This piece is inspired by spontaneity, taking randomised prompts and creating a series of vignettes celebrating the absurd.
Join our main character, who has no critical thinking skills, as they experience some strange stories before a rather explosive ending. Maybe using an alien slot machine isn’t the best idea.
‘Slots’ is an exercise in creativity and story writing. Learning that it can come from anywhere and sometimes to get your creativity flowing you need to just have some fun, draw a bunch of ideas and go with what most inspires you to create.