Animation and Motion Design
Tadhg Collins
Everyday Heros
The young boy, captivated by the superheroes in his comic book, serves as the central character who undergoes a transformative realization.
The conflict arises from the young boy’s perception of superheroes solely existing in fiction, leading to a lack of recognition for real-life heroes around him, particular his mother looking after him.
The antagonist here is the misconception that heroes are only found in fantastical tales, hindering the boy from appreciating the everyday heroes in his life.
The narrative follows the boy’s journey from home to school and back, where he starts noticing acts of kindness and heroism performed by individuals in his community. These include giving up one’s seat for another, paying for one’s coffee, cleaning up a local park and helping a person in need.
Through this heartwarming tale, the story aims to convey a poignant message about recognizing and appreciating the unsung heroes in our lives, ultimately highlighting the profound impact of these everyday acts of kindness.