Animation & Motion Design
Angel Lynch
Pongo is a stop-motion animated children’s series created by Angel Lynch. It is about a penguin called Pongo who is a bright and crafty penguin. With his clever mind to come up with solutions, Pongo is ready for the next iceberg coming his way!
Episode 1 – Flying School
This short is Pongo’s pilot episode. It’s Pongo’s first day at a new school. Pongo comes to realize he is the only penguin, and the only bird that cannot fly. What will Pongo do?
Pongo’s Purpose
Pongo aims to create a safe and welcoming environment for children. It shows them that education can be intimidating and scary, but also fun and like an adventure!
Pongo is also a relatable character for kids. Pongo is a new student in a new school, a different breed of bird, but also not having the same advantages as the other birds. Pongo uses his mind and his talents to solve his problems. This show will promote kids to use their problem-solving skills, be innovative and encourage them to use their initiative. This positive approach will hopefully aid children in positive attitudes and mindsets in the classroom and outside!