Digital Animation
Cian Morrissey
Space Break
Space Break is a short film project about a blue space alien named Nolan. He lives in a galaxy of wonder and intrigue but despite this, works at a boring nine to five store job by a local asteroid belt. This project acts as a collection of my best animation, colouring, compositing, and design work so far, showcased in a 2-minute feature. I also wanted to pick up and improve on some new skills, such as backgrounds and lighting.
Space Break is a 2D hand drawn animated piece. I felt this was important as hand drawn animation has always been something that I’ve been very passionate about but going into the industry I will quickly need to pick up skills in rigged animation. This project felt like my last real opportunity to demonstrate my passion for hand drawn animation. My most desirable outcome with this film is for people to watch it and find it even somewhat relatable.