Judite Rotkaja
Mysterious Woodland
Judite’s Final Studio Project “Mysterious Woodland “is based on real stories and memories of her childhood, throughout her life, from past until present day. The word ‘Woodland’ is not an empty phrase or the sound for her, but a word with meaning, a special place, a kind of ‘shrine’, since all her childhood passed near the forests, this is a piece of joy, silence and memories.
Judite’s main goal while working on “Mysterious Woodland” is to show and convey the most vivid memories, feelings, sensations and compare how much she has changed during this time. The work explores her memories and emotions as a child and now, as a mature person. Judite’s feelings, sensations during these years did not disappear anywhere, they remained unchanged in her memory as a result, it can be concluded that in her heart she remained that little girl, always energetic, fearless and inquisitive, who was not afraid of twilight and spooky, ghostly shadows at the edge of the forest. Judite also focused in terms work with different materials and mediums such as Indian ink, oil paints, melted wax and dyed fabric in ground coffee beans and tea liquid. Since Judite’s work is based on monochromatic hues, in the process she experimented a lot with black Indian ink on watercolour paper. Textiles-fabric and threads will be the main material for doing work combining with ink painting on calico fabric, machine stitching, hand sewing and embroidery. The use of threads will allow to her, transforming 2D lines and planes into 3D shapes in some places (in installation and sculpture format) spaces. It’s a process that results in floating, linear thread structures. Judite intrigued by the idea of finding a way how to mix together machine embroidery and hand sewing.