Digital Animation Production
Ciara Moloney
SunSeeker is a short film I created using 2D animation. It follows the protagonist, Hazel, going from her reality into a game world by putting on her headset. We see Hazel face 3 bosses, each with their own unique level. The aim of the game is to catch the sun stone that the final boss has. I was inspired by animated music videos and chose to make a game style short based around music.
I have previously worked on animated music videos and have a strong passion for them and will continue to try and work in this genre of animation. I created everything from character designs, the story, and design to backgrounds and the animation myself. Thanks to Sakura Hz for allowing me to use his audio, I was inspired to make a fast-paced film. I wanted my film to contain atmospheric backgrounds and action-based animation as this is what I love to do. Creating backgrounds and fun hair flowing, girl spinning animations really makes me happy.