Animation & Motion Design
Sadbh de Buitléir Kearney
Tranglam is an animated short which focuses on perspective and scale.
In a vast world populated by strange insectoid creatures and mushrooms, a lone woman makes a choice. She removes herself from the giant armoured robot, her Sentinel. The woman continues through the forest on foot, instead of in her untouchable armour. Where once she towered over everything around her, the woman is now comparatively tiny and insignificant. This causes her to realise the grandness and danger of the surrounding world.
This piece looks at the difference scale can have on one’s perspective and power. In the Sentinel, the woman does not need to care about the world around her; but on her own two feet, she is small and delicate, and survival is no sure thing. To pay attention to the natural world is the only way to survive.
The word ‘Tranglam‘ is the Irish word for a clutter, confusion, or disorder; a word that comes to mind when looking at the twisting depth and intricacy of the unfamiliar world portrayed in the background art. The sketchy, hand-drawn animation gives a feeling of immediacy, while the comparatively lavish backgrounds give the characters space to stand out. The colour palette is cool and somewhat otherworldly, focusing on light, shade, and points of illumination, all chosen to maintain a science-fiction feeling.