Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Nadine Brickley


Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Darragh Buckley


Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Joe Caraher

Arctic Blossom

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Evan Condon

The Agency

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Heather Curtin

“A Tea Reverie”

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Oliwia Czekalska

The Last Spool

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Corinne Gibbons

The Old Barracks; A Coffee Story

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Jasmine Hanrahan


Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Darragh Hogan

Who Am I To Decide

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Miya Lattanzio

Angel Dust

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Isobel Law-Braney
Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Laura Mannix

Take Up Space

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Conor McGurren

Styles of writing

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Cleo McKeon Burke

Take Up Space

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Adam Moroney

Strength & Sacrifice

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Grace Quinlan


Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Zoe Rackard

Pets and Their Owners

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Kenneth Reidy

Tablet Between Titans

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Martha Scanlon

The Keeper 

Creative Broadcast and Film Production
Deirbhile Sheehy

Take Up Space